Thursday, February 16, 2012

What KIND of movies would you like to study?

I'm just looking for some input for the semester. What kind of movies would you like to learn about? I'm not asking for specific titles - leave that up to me. I'm looking for themes, genres, time periods, cultures, etc.

For example, I was thinking you might enjoy learning about animated movies. Or maybe Asian cinema. Comedies would probably be a good idea, right? Are you guys more interested in Hollywood classics of the 1940s and 50s, or are you more interested in the independent film production movement of the 1960s and 70s? Do you want to see a documentary? Horror movies? Silent era movies? Oscar Award winners? Movies you've never heard of?

Let me know your thoughts. I'll be checking this entry for at least a week, so if anything comes to mind, let me know in the comments section below.

In all seriousness, this is you chance to write the curriculum of the class as you see fit. We can tackle whatever you want to learn.

Note - If you don't chime in with your thoughts and perspectives, then I'm the one steering the ship and no griping allowed. Also, just because you write something doesn't mean we'll automatically do it. My final choices will be based on what is best for the class overall.


  1. It would be really cool if you could get action movies like die hard, terminator, Indiana Jones, star wars, Alien vs perdeter, perdeter,aliens, fast and furious, batman begins/dark night, death race, transformers (new one with bumble bee), pirates of the crabean,

    1. That's one vote for sci-fi/action movies

    2. Cool, that would be great if we can see sci-fi/action movies but no star track or anything to nerd like. star wars is still pretty cool, because of the original film/ video games like fore unleashed and star wars the old republic.

  2. I would like to see sci-fi movies like Star Wars and others like that.

  3. another week/few days spent on cartoons. I really really enjoyed that unit last time and its made a lot of other works of visual works make sense too. i think everyone would enjoy it just as much

    1. I would probably do some of the similar cartoons, and end with a feature length. Would that be okay for you, since some of it would be review?

    2. absolutely, was one of my favourite units!

  4. I want to watch some old foreign movies! Like Japanese, but not necessarily samurai movies. I want to learn about other cultures through film! Maybe we could watch a modern day Japanese movie and compare it to a older one? That could be interesting.

    1. Are you saying you want to study an Asian film or two, or just foreign films in general. Also, Are you saying no to samurai movies, or martial arts movies all together?

  5. i wanna watch some wierd/creepy movies like a clockwork orange and el topo. or maybe some samurai movies and compare them to westerns and maybe some slashers like friday the 13th(the originals) or some thing like that maybe some hellraiser

  6. So there's a vote for bizarro land, a vote for horror, and a vote for samurai.

  7. Let's get some Oscar winners in there! Ones that are generally forgotten though, such as Silence of the Lambs or Platoon. But also I thought it would be fun to pick a year and take a look at each of the Best Picture nominees and try to decide if the winning film deserved it or if the Academy made a mistake in choice. Such as the year Titanic won, that year was Saving Private Ryan, and Good Will Hunting, I'm not saying that year in particular but you get the jist of whatI'm saying.

    1. I agree with your input because I would enjoy hearing arguments around best picture of the would give focus to the discussion and make it more lively. Also, I would be glad to know that the movies met high standards to begin with by being considered for an Oscar.

  8. Nice idea. An Academy Award winner and a better film nominated for the same award...

    Did you know that Forest Gump beat Pulp Fiction?

  9. I know this is very vague but I am open to all movies. I want to broaden my view of movies and genres and explore new movies I haven't seen.

  10. I don't like avant-garde films because its to hard to understand what the director means. I enjoy movies with subtexts or underlying themes; i have heard that the movie E.T. parallels the bible.

  11. I think we should do different decades. Start at around the twenties and watch one or two films from that decade, and then move through the years to now.
