Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hitchcock's Trailers

Welcome to your first extra credit blog entry. Here are a few trailers from Hitchcock. Take a look...

Here's the question: Would this technique work today? Would audiences see the next Transformers if Michael Bey did a tongue-in-cheek introductory trailer to it? How about Spielberg and War Horse? How effective were Hitchcock's trailers, and why?

Post your responses below.


  1. I don’t think that this kind of advertising would work I today’s world. We are all just to use to a commercial that gives away what a movie is about and what happens without any narrating at all. The beauty of Alfred Hitchcock commercials was that he would narrate them then only give a taste of the movie and what was happening. The best part was that was he didn’t give away a single part of the movie. What’s so sad as I stated before is that We are all just to use to a commercial that gives away what a movie is about and what happens without any narrating at all and that’s why were never going to see commercials.

  2. After watching these trailers I am interested and intrigued to go see these movies. The way Alfred Hitchcock advertises his movies works real well for him because of his hidden sense of humor that he adds and his voice, it really pulls you in. I don’t think it would work now because everyone is used to the trailers giving the movie away. Also I feel like the directors today can’t exactly do what Hitchcock did. It was another talent that Hitchcock had.

  3. I feel his method for advertising his movies could definitely work today! When I was watching the Psycho trailer I was giggling throughout. He keeps saying "Well, I'll get to that later." Right when you want to know what he's talking about! This makes me want to see the movie so bad! (Or the end of it, mostly, considering I've seen the beginning.) It's almost better than a contemporary trailer that makes you want to go to the movie just for a fright rather than to know what happens in the story.

    1. No it would not people today wont get it because there all there use to is the trailer giving the movie away and see what happens. Besides people now want to see explosions and action in the commercial. also people would think that the commercial is stupid because there a guy who narrates and doesn't give an idea of what the movie is about.

  4. With what kind of movie and what kind of director would this work? Any specific ideas?

    1. Horror movies, Stephen King. It would make it a like how Alfred Hitchcock did it.

  5. I cannot see Bay doing this style of trailer fot the fact that he loves his explosions, girls, and explosions. Spilberg might with a movie that can be personally important to him. This method is effective because it connected the director to the people and made him famous for this kinds of trailers. People now know how his films are and what to expect and knowing that he is there in the trailer gives them a sense of "what is he up to now?!".

  6. Narmandakh OtogonmunkhFebruary 10, 2012 at 11:07 AM

    I think this would bring us something new too see and it is very unique in a way for me, so therefore why not try simething new for upcoming new movie trailers? i think this would be a great idea.

  7. I think this technique would work today because it would be something new and viewers nowadays like things that are new and unique. I would definitely watch is film after watching the trailer because i would want to know the answers to the question which he didn't finish answering.

  8. I think his technique was funny and was a good idea, but I don't think it would work today because people want to see the actual movie in the trailer, rather than a man just talking about it. People want to see actual parts from the movie and see the setting.

  9. I feel like even though it was very humorous and intriguing, I don't think it would work today. Nowadays, directors need to make the movie very interesting and exciting to see and having a random director just talking about the movie might now grab a lot of people's attention. I personally liked it but I feel like I'd rather see parts from the actual movie than just listening to someone talk about it.
