Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Psycho: Old VS New

The post is extra credit.

In 1998, director Gus Van Sant remade Hitchcock's Psycho. Unlike most remakes, it was nearly a beat-for-beat re-filming. Here are a few clips that stack the two aside one another.

Parlor Scene

Police Officer Scene

The opening scene can be found by CLICKING HERE.

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  1. The new psycho sucked. The actors did't know to act and react to the 50's script. The scenes were rushed and they weren't as powerful as old ones. Example in the opening scene of the old psycho they actually looked like a couple unlike the new one which make them look like a sexed crazed couple. over all the new movie sucked and it was just a complete failure.

    1. Let's try not to limit ourselves to the term "sucked."

  2. One major thing I noticed when watching both clips was the dialogue was almost exactly the same. However, the timing of both events and the dialogue was off. Sometimes, in the first clip, the original clip would be going at a slower pace, where the new one would be rushing. Sometimes the timing would just barely match up, then the older or newer side would continue at a faster rate. But most of the time, the old clip was slower. The second clip started more at the same time, then the original goes faster than the new one. Also I realized that some lines are said at different times in the dialogue. Otherwise, most of the clip is matched up well.
