Friday, January 22, 2010

Welcome to the 3rd Reel!

This entry will serve two purposes. First, it will help everyone to get to know each other a little bit. Second, it will verify that you know how to post a comment.

Here's what to do: In the comments section for this post, answer the following question...

What is your favorite bad movie of all time? (You know the one...The one you can't turn off when it comes on TV even though you know it stinks. It's horrible, but you LOVE IT! Scratch love it BECAUSE it's horrible! We call 'em 'guilty pleasures'.)

I personally have quite a few, but one of my favorites has got to be Over the Top with Sylveser Stallone.

Sly plays a truck driver on his way to Vegas to (A) win the world championship arm wrestling tournament and (B) reconcile with his estrnaged son whom he loves, but is kept away from by an angry, rich father-in-law.

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  1. I dont really have any favorite "bad movies" but if I would have to pick one, it'd be the Nightmare Before Christmas, when I was a kid I was terrified of this movie, and now whenever I see it on tv ( which is rarely) I cant look away, I even downloaded it to my computer so I can watch it.

  2. I hated the movie "Valkyrie". I saw it a day after i saw "Inglorious Bastards" which I liked. "Valkyrie" just dragged on and had seconds of action in it. I don't even know what to say i just hated it.

  3. My guilty pleasure movie would have to be "The Sound of Music". I had to watch it in school in sixth grade and have hated it since then, but whenever it's on I can't not watch it.

  4. The one movie I love to hate is "Summer Catch," which just happens to be an extremely horrible chick flick with Jessica Beil (Where'd she go?) and Freddie Prince Jr. Despite me knowing it is excruciatingly horrid, I managed to watch it a good thirty times during my preteen years, and the ending where the underdog yard boy wins the heart of daddy's little princess never got any more satisfying.

  5. There's something about Disney's "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" that always drew me in since I was little. Thinking about it now it's a pretty awufl and weird movie, but aside from the dwarfish creepiness I love it. And it's a hilarious film. Why? I don't know it's just really funny. It's not really on TV but I always watch whenever my little cousins are over. I think I laugh more than they do.

  6. I don't know if i could honestly pick a bad movie, as i don't have one i like that is really that bad. but as for a guilty pleasure kind of movie, either the incredibles or 500 days of summer, as my friends and i can watch either one of those movies for hours and quote the entire movie.

  7. The movie that I hate but keep watching is "The Blair Witch Project". I hate the way it was filmed because it makes me dizzy. It's also very frustrating because they are completely lost and have no idea where they are going, but I always find myself on the edge of my seat during the last scene of the movie. It's scary!

  8. I would have to say that my guilty pleasure movie is "Zoolander". The acting was absolutely terrible. The story line made no sense but every time it's on i can not help but watch it and laugh at how illogical all the situations are.

  9. I think my guilty pleasure movie is a movie that i loved when i was little- The Power Rangers. It is horrible acting, and everything looks fake. The monsters were weird and ugly, but i love watching it.

  10. "Napoleon Dynamite" was such a stupid and bad movie. worst movie ive ever seen. there is no acting in the movie, at all. it looks like it was shot in the 80s because they filmed it with a $2000 budget. i dont even know why ive seen it more than once.

  11. My guitly pleasure is "paranormal activity". The movie was supposed to be the scariest movie ever, when in reality i didn't think it was scary what so ever. the movie was a low budget and had poor acting, but i can't help that i love watching it.

  12. my guilty pleasure movie is "Pochahontas". I used to watch it literally every day when i was little, and i know the whole script verbatum. it's sort of silly, but i still watch it now when i'm depressed or something.
