Friday, March 15, 2013

Butch and Sundance - Extra Credit

If you'd like some extra credit, view the video and comment below.


  1. When the guy was talking about how great Katharine Ross was for her role, I kind of have to disagree with them. I didn't really see anything special about her, maybe it's a time period thing, but I thought they could have chose a better actress. Plus he said they had different opinions which made it very uncomfortable on set. I don't know, I didn't like her.

    I thought it was cool when he said Paul and Rob would come in and rehearse on their days off. I thought that showed they were really excited about the film and they loved working on it.

  2. Danielle Finnegan!March 19, 2013 at 4:48 PM

    I just think it's so crazy how long it takes to make movies. In the beginning when he says they rehearsed for 2 weeks before filming it's crazy because they have to take and retake shots over and over again anyway. Also, when he talks about how it doesn't matter the approach of the director whether directing a comedy or tragedy movie isn't true because the way you want the actors to present themselves and little things like camera movements and angles can create the mood/feel to a scene which the director has complete control over. It is the actors job to be real, as he says, and play off the needed emotions yet the director has control over those kind of things as well.

    When they talk about the lead girl character and how she was wrongly casted, I can totally see that because I don't think she was the best character. Her acting was kind of weird and like they said in the clip, she wanted things her way and believed the way she was acting was right, which to a director can be very annoying.

    There was only 12 minutes of music in the whole movie? That's kind of crazy! I think music would have take away from the movie though so this was a good choice of the director. Music can set the scene, so a scene with no music can also speak to the audience.

    I thought it was so cute that the actors wanted to come in and work on their days off. Its so important to have dedicated actor. Also, I didn't know that they were using fake guns and using rocks and dusts instead of bullets. I think that's a good idea for rehearsal purposes, but for the real thing I think real guns would have been better. I also liked how he tried to make it more realistic by having character shots of them reloading to instead of other movies where they have gone fights without reloading. This shows the directors dedication to perfection and realism that is needed to produce a good movie.

  3. While watching this the guy said something that stuck out to me. "you dont play funny or sad you play real". i think that is so true in any movie. you can always tell when an actor is trying to hard. thats probibly beacuse their trying to be scared,or happy, or suprised, or funny, and it just dosint work out. When an actor takes a role like its real life, then you belive them, and that makes the movie so much more enjoyable. i think in this movie the actors did an amazing job at just taking it real and not taking it as being funny or being serious. since the director relized that, i think he did a good job at making this movie and picking out actors that were real.
