Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What Is Sci-Fi?

So we're about to start our next unit - the history of film as seen through the lens of "science fiction." Before we start, though, we may want to take a minute and ask ourselves what science ficiton even is. First watch this short film. (Twice if you need to.)

Okay. Now crack open your journals and answer the following questions. Please have your answers be thoughtful and thorough. We'll discuss your responses in class tomorrow, as well as get into our first feature-length science ficiton film.

1. What is "science fiction," and how do you know if a given film either is or is not science ficiton?

2. "Plug" is  definately fiction - that is to say,it is make believe. And yet...there are elements of this film that are speaking about the real world. So, in what way is this film commenting of the real world? In other words, what aspects of the film - even though they may be make-believe - are actually about the world we currently live in?

3.  What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of "Plug"? (acting, editing, special effects, story, pacing, tone, design, cinematography, sound, etc.)

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